Yesterday we started “officially” homeschooling, and as people replied with congratulations and well wishes to the cute pic of our oldest daughter holding her “welcome to 1st grade” sign, someone made a comment about how I must have endless energy. But the reality is – no, I actually don’t! It’s typical of the replies we…
Author: Hannah
Raising Future Husbands and Wives
As a parent, do you think about the spouses you are raising? A spouse can be either a great blessing or a great curse. One of my goals in life is to raise Godly offspring who will be wonderful husbands and wives. Before I was married this was something I thought of in theory, but…
Just Buy The Jar Of Minced Garlic Already!
Sometimes I think about things I would have told myself 5ish years ago as a new wife and mother. As of today, I’ve added to the list: just buy the jar of minced garlic! For those who want the explanation … I consider myself to be somewhere on the spectrum of “food purist”, and I’m…
Welcome, Almond and Cashew
Baby goats have to be the cutest baby animals in the world! I knew that several of our Nigerian Dwarf does would be kidding sometime, but they run in the same pasture with the billy so I had no idea when to expect babies. Last week, I looked out the window and there in the…
Soggy Hay Bales and the Joys of Homesteading with Toddlers
Homesteading is – bundling up 4 children, including the 8 week old, to go out in 30 degree weather at dusk because the cows need hay and James needs my help to move the round bale. We don’t have a hay barn so the bales, that were already large to begin with, are even heavier…